Tag: #eroticgames
How to Conquer Your Lover: And Have the Favor Returned đŸ˜‰
The steps to create your own Conquest can be found here for those who want to let their imagination run wild.
A Sultry Beauty Seduces Her Powerful Beast
Fairy Tale Roleplay Part 2: Beauty and The Beast Ok. we have our next Fairy Tale Scene for the bedroom. These classic stories are a fantastic place to draw inspiration for every delectable fantasy. Everyone knows the characters, sexual undertones abound, and (let’s face it) one of these stories probably awakened something in everyone. We…
Wicked Magic and Seduction for Lovers
“We’re sure your partner would be fine if you decided to lay in the bed stark nude.”
Improvisation, Roleplay, and a Goodtime
Most skills take work, especially when it looks “natural.” Roleplaying, whether for a tabletop game or for a loving partner, is not something people necessarily do naturally. Fortunately, improvisation is a centuries-old art with a lot of advice, so here are a few you use for all circumstances. Why Do We Say Yes? “Yes, and…”…